StarCraft II: Starter Edition

Have you not bought StarCraft II yet? Do you feel empty as all your friends tell horror stories about get crushed in 1 on 1 matches by 12 year olds twice their skill level and want to share in their pain? Well, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!? Blizzard just released their StarCraft II: Starter Edition and it’s not just some renamed demo but a taste test if you will to get you hooked like a junkie on crack.

You get the first four missions of the single-player campaign, the first two challenges, you can play as the Terran’s in custom games and you get a few custom maps. Once you get hooked and need the real deal, all that progress you just blazed through stays with you after you buy the first game. I know you’re drooling and you don’t even need a dollar to get your first glorious hit. All you need is an internet connection and a account and you’re on your way to getting hook and then promptly beaten down like the rest of us mere mortals.

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