Tim Willits takes on always-on internet debate

Eurogamer has an interview with Tim Willits, from id software, who sat down with Eurogamer to talk about the new trend in gaming, the always needed internet connection. Willits says “Diablo 3 will make everyone else accept the fact you have to be connected,” that, I feel is a very bold statement. He goes on to say “If you have a juggernaut, you can make change. I’m all for that. If we could force people to always be connected when you play the game, and then have that be acceptable, awesome.” I don’t know Tim, I think that’s asking a bit much of your fans. Here in the US it’s not like the internet is everywhere and ISPs are already starting to roll out data caps. What about places like Canada that already have really low data caps?

What about situations like when I moved and was without internet for two weeks solid? Do you mean to tell me I can’t play my games for two weeks because there might be a game breaking bug that the always on, updating my game, connection could save me from? Listen guys, I know everyone has this weird idea of UTOPIA where we all have free, wireless, 50Mb internet from the sky, but it’s not here, I don’t have it, and neither does anyone else. You’re killing us here, I know somehow, someway, someone forced this weird idea of a better world through always connected games to you guys but the reality is the little guys like me that buy your games, we don’t like it, nor is it realistic to expect of us.

Take a queue from Steam if you must, hell just use Steamworks, we need an offline mode, especially when that registration server of yours just gets to expensive for you guys to host and you shut it down and take my game with it.


Source Link:  EuroGamer via Rock, Paper, Shotgun


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