Afterfall: InSanity Has Some ‘Splaining To Do After It’s Weird Donation Stunt

This is going in the “what in the hell were they thinking?!” pile. IF… no wait


Afterfall: InSanity get’s 10,000,000 pre-orders for $1 before November 25th 2011, basically 21 or so days from now depending on your location and reading time, everyone will get that game for a dollar. If they do not get that number of pre-orders then you can go ahead and buy said game for $33.90. But wait there’s more, to entice you to pre-order know that part of your $1 will be going to charity, 10% to be exact, if they hit the 10 million, but if they don’t hit that number all of it will go to charity. Now we are thinking not all as paypal will have to take a cut, they always do, and with 10 thousand one dollar transactions that’s going to be a nice chunk of change for paypal. It all just feels weird, giving to charity is great but 10 million pre-orders in less than a month is an unrealistic goal for a AAA game let alone an indie game. I would rather them say “pre-order for $5 and we’ll give half of that, $2.50, to charity and you’ll get 20% off our game on release, however if we get 100,000 pre-orders every pre-order gets that game for free” something simple like that. The bottom line is if you can’t wait for Afterfall: InSanity pre-order your heart out, if you want to give to charity stop being lazy and write a damn check to them directly! Don’t be fooled by marketing PR double talk; thanks to Rock, Paper, Shotgun for the heads up on the weirdness.

Source Link:  YouTube

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