Life of Pixel Still Needs Your Help On Kickstarter

Life of Pixel still needs your help on Kickstarter. This amazing journey through video gaming beginnings already wowed PS Vita owners and now it’s time to get this on PC, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS. Developer Super Icon isn’t just giving you 100+ levels inspired by the Atari 2600, Sega Master System, Commodore 64, Nintendo Entertainment System, ZX Spectrum, etc they are recreating the limitations of each system. Resolutions, Color Palettes, Scrolling, Hardware Limitations, etc it’s all here in Life of Pixel recreated as the perfect platformer. You want retro, this is as retro as you can get without hiring your own team of programmers to make you a game for all 12 systems in the game. That’s right 12, in addition to the original 9 you can vote for the next 3 systems right here to be included in this version. Plus Super Icon is adding leaderboards, more secrets, more levels, more enemies and even more stuff so you know this isn’t some lazy port. So if you’ve been waiting, pledge already, tell your friends and your fellow gamer’s already!


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