Team Fortress 2, Good or Bad Review?

            Hello everyone, time for another review by me, Michael Quaider. I am still getting used to this format so forgive me for any errors. I hope you all had a great Halloween, mine was spent alone, in doors, unfortunately, but despite my post coming a bit late, here it is again. Today, contrary to my preference, I am talking about another First person shooter today. I know that I said I hate first person shooters and I do not plan to make it a reoccurring event in my reviews. However this is a extremely broken, aggravating, rage educing fun you can have with a game. Before I tell you what the game is, let me give you a little back story on how I came across this game. I was in school, and I was very depressed at the time, I had just broken up with a girlfriend and I wanted to escape reality for a bit, something most of my games hadn’t been doing lately. So two of my friends told me to pick up this free to play game on Steam, called Team Fortress 2. I hated first person shooters but I was so angry I just wanted to blow something up. So I gave it a shot, and my love for Team Fortress 2 began.

Team Fortress 2, a game that came out in 2008 (A reoccurring factor in my reviews, a lot of games came out in 2008) Produced by Valve and Gabe Newell himself had a hand in making.(If you don’t know who Gabe Newell is then be ashamed he co-founded Valve and worked to create Steam) The game was based off of Team Fortress Classic the lesser known prequel to TF2 and was spawned by a series of web comics about two brothers who’s father owned America, died from disease and then left the land to both of them ensuring that they would fight over it for the rest of their life, the brothers both hired  mercenaries to take America from each other.

Team Fortress 2, a game loved by many for its fast game style, constant modding and wide database of tools, weapons, and hats. The game play consists of choosing between one of  9 different classes, (Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper, Spy) then preforming the mission given on a wide array of maps in the allotted time, examples being a capture the flag style game play, a king of the hill guard the point, pushing carts through check points, and lastly capturing checkpoints and killing your enemies in your wake to achieve your goal. Tons of weapons to choose from, most of them received from random drop, trade, or purchase through the steam store. Along with many customizable clothing items received through purchase, special event, achievement, or trade.

I’d like to take time to talk about a mode in the game called Mann VS. Machine. It is a special CO-OP mode in the game that pins 6 players against an army of robotic versions of the 9 mercenaries, trying to bring a bomb to their base, forcing the 6 players to work together to defeat them or inevitably fail. They are formatted in waves, and they have individual missions organized by difficulty called tours, 3 missions to a tour. You must buy a ticket from the steam store for 99 cents in order to play a mission, it’s called a Mann Up ticket. Every time you complete a mission you receive a weapon, and when you complete every mission once in the tour, you receive a special weapon called a bot killer that is special to the tour, it is a stock weapon that has a chain or some form of attachment to it that is a robotic head, the material of the head depends on the tour completed and a small bit of chance, and can be worth a significant amount.

For this next part I interviewed a veteran player of the game so our conversation will be displayed through the text in interview format, he has allowed me to use his real name.

Michael: Nice to see you Ethan you know why we’re here?

Ethan Waters: To interview me about Team Fortress 2?

Michael: Correct, now, as a veteran player, how did you get into TF2?

Ethan Waters:  Originally I saw animations from TF2 made on Source Filmmaker and that gave me the interest to do research on my own.

Michael: What was your first reaction after playing Team Fortress 2 for the first time? How did you feel?

Ethan Waters: I thought it was a really cool game I enjoyed the variety of items that were dropped and the many styles of play the game offered.

Michael: What was the first weapon you ever received in a drop?

Ethan Waters: That’s a tough one, I believe it was The Machina, a sniper weapon.

Michael: What’s your favorite class?

Ethan Waters: Sniper, no brainier, even though I don’t use it terribly often

Michael: Have you ever recommended TF2 to anyone? Would you if you haven’t?

Ethan Waters: Yes I have recommended it to many people and still would recommend it today.

Michael: What is your thoughts on the Mann vs. Machine mode within the game?

Ethan Waters: It adds story to the game instead of a run and gun kill game.

Michael: What is one piece of advice you can give to all armature players?

Ethan Waters: Keep Standing still for my sniper.

Michael: That’s terrible advice!

Ethan Waters: Not for me, but in all seriousness, I recommend using the Pyro class your first go around to get a feel of the game.

Michael: Thank you Ethan.

Ethan Waters: No problem, anytime, it’s been fun.

I would like to thank Ethan for that interview, very enlightening. Now a little more about the game and my Youtube links in the bottom. Team Fortress 2 is a multiplayer, First Person shooter, server community driven game,that is a great time almost anytime. It has more and more to do and discover about the game. As you all know I like to put 2-4 Youtube videos at the end of my articles with fun facts, comedies, or to recommend a series or channel. First for all new players, I have a video that lets you meet all the classes and their personality in a video titled “Meet Them All” I have a video from Random Encounter, a musical group I personally love and they do a fantastic job writing video game musicals and they have one dedicated to Team Fortress 2’s very own Medic. Once again this week we have another video by The Game Theorists putting the Pyro’s gender into question, and their very own Gijen Goomba talking about the culture behind the Conga taunt. Lastly, I have a video for veterans and new players alike, a sample of what has potential for a TF2 TV show in the Valve released video titled “Expiration Date” Thank you everyone, see you next week, until then, play more games.

Source Link: Web Site Name

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