Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Has Musical Numbers? (Spoilers)

There’s some Minor Spoilers in the video above but Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell is going to include at least one musical number. For the sake of the game I sure hope it includes more than just the one we’re seeing in the video. I have to hand it to Volition just when you think they’ve gone everywhere they can possibly go with Saints Row they pull another hat trick out of the bag.

I couldn’t find any press release mentioning anything about this latest gameplay video so I’m going to assume it’s some IGN exclusive or maybe I’m just not on the right lists. Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell is set to be released on Jan. 20th 2015 for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. But it has a weird release across our last gen, current gen and PC landscape. PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 get a Boxed release for $19.99, PC gamers get a digital only release at $19.99 and finally PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners get Saints Row IV: Re-Elected + Gat Out of Hell for $49.99. I hope Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell has the huge leap in fun that Saints Row IV had from Saints Row: The Third. That’s not to say that Saints Row: The Third was anywhere near bad I would just like to be surprised all over again.

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