Dungeon Defenders (PC) Hits One Year Anniversary, Sale And Free DLC For Everyone

Dungeon Defenders hits its One year anniversary and if you’ve been there from the beginning you know every time you load up Steam there’s another new DLC and this time it’s no different. Except it is! The Anniversary Pack DLC for Dungeon Defenders is on Steam for Free for the first two weeks only. If you’ve been eyeing some other DLC have no fear as the whole lot is on-sale including the base game for 75% off the normal price. If you’ve not played and neither have your friends you definitely should pick up a four pack as Dungeon Defenders is a game best enjoyed with three other friends. Be sure to head on over to Steam and pick it up pronto as the sale ends Thursday October 18th at 4pm Pacific Time.



Check Out the All-New Mission Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnoSd8Sx9_s

Where were you one year ago today? If you’re like millions of other gamers, you were downloading the best tower defense/action-RPG digital title in the history of history. Trendy Entertainment and Reverb Publishing announced today that available now on Steam, absolutely free for two weeks only, is theDungeon Defenders Anniversary Pack DLC. Celebrating Dungeon Defenders’ one-year anniversary, this pack contains an all new mission, the Tavern Siege, as well as party hat accessories, a birthday cake crystal core, a newly decorated tavern, and more! And that’s not all; Dungeon Defendersand all of its DLC will be on sale for 75% off as part of Steam’s Midweek Madness sale.

The temporarily free DLC can be downloaded from Steam here:http://store.steampowered.com/app/222680/

Check out the Anniversary Pack trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnoSd8Sx9_s

Or download it here: http://www.dungeondefenders.com/DD_Anni.mp4

Get Dungeon Defenders on Steam:http://store.steampowered.com/app/65800

Dungeon Defenders is one of the fastest selling downloadable games of all time. Bringing together the best elements of tower defense and action-RPG progression, it allows players to team up and fight across 15 unique maps, 30 challenges and four difficulty settings in all of the game’s loot-raiding, spell-casting, level-up stacking glory. Players control one of several distinct hero classes in an epic bid to fight back an ancient evil. Each character comes with special functions, and players can create and customize/upgrade an armory of weapons and equipment.
Dungeon Defenders is rated E10+ by the Entertainment Software Rating Board and is available for download now on Steam for $14.99. For more information on the game, visit http://www.dungeondefenders.com/, like the game on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/dungeondefenders or follow the Trendy team on Twitter at @TrendyEnt.

For any media inquiries, e-mail Jerry Whitehead III (jerry@reverbpublishing.com) or Steven Hopper (steven@reverbpublishing.com) with Reverb Publishing.


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