Author: Nick


PlayStation Home Redesign Slated For Fall 2011

While many people still make fun of Sony’s Playstation Home, it must be doing something right to get a massive redesign. While the old Playstation Home had a very pastel and almost The Sims...


Jurassic Park: The Game Release Date

IGN has some interesting news on Jurassic Park: The Game; first is the target November 15th release date, also that Xbox 360 owners will get a retail release only while PC and PS3 owners...


The Elusive Madden 100 Rating

Uh-oh, every time this list comes around for Madden ratings someone gets on TV or twitter and slams EA for giving them a crap rating in tackling or running or whatever other stat the...


Awesomenauts – Trailer

Yes, Yes and Triple YES! Awesomenauts looks like it’s going to be a blast, just the right amount of cheese to go with my wine. Source Link:  YouTube