Author: Nick


Ubisoft down with PS Vita at gamescom 2011

Ubisoft revealed at gamescom 2011 that it has a few games in development for the PS Vita. The games include Assassin’s Creed, Rayman Origins, Lumines, Asphalt, Dungeon Hunter Alliance and Michael Jackson the Experience....


Aliens: Colonial Marines Screenshots

While it would be cool to get some more video from Aliens: Colonial Marines we do get brand new screenshots, YAY! Hit the jump for all the screenshots released so far. Source Link:  Aliens:...


PC Call Of Duty Players Will Go Elite Sometime

You gotta hate that PC hacking crowd, always ruining it for everyone else. Oh wait there’s hackers on all systems, I forgot. Activision says it has a problem with the authenticity of dedicated servers...


Prototype 2 Gamescom 2011 Trailer

Prototype I think got a bad wrap, it came out at the same time as inFAMOUS with each protagonist that looked like each other. This trailer for Prototype 2 gives a whole lot of...