Tagged: gamescom


Armored Core V – Demo Video

Here’s some gameplay footage of Armored Core V, and it’s everything you want, giant mech’s and lots of explosions! Source Link:  YouTube


Nuclear Dawn Launch Trailer

What started out as a Source engine mod in 2006 is now a full blown game. While that might piss some people off I hope this does well for InterWave Studios, it looks like...


Inversion: Make ’em Float Gameplay

Inversion just seems so weird, I think I get it a little more now that i’ve seen this extended gameplay but it’s still weird to wrap your brain around. It also looks like there...


Burnout Crash Trailer

Burnout Crash might not be the Burnout game you were hoping for but would it kill you to take a look at it before you dismiss it? Kind of reminds me of Calling All...


Ubisoft down with PS Vita at gamescom 2011

Ubisoft revealed at gamescom 2011 that it has a few games in development for the PS Vita. The games include Assassin’s Creed, Rayman Origins, Lumines, Asphalt, Dungeon Hunter Alliance and Michael Jackson the Experience....