Tagged: PC


Vessel Trailer

I have no real idea what Vessel is but the music, graphics and physics really seem enchanting together, check out this trailer from PAX 2011. Source Link:  YouTube


Wakfu: Pandawa Gameplay – WTF?

Wakfu: Pandawa is.. uh, a Diablo like game with a panda kung-fu protagonist? Seriously, WTF? I mean the animation looks nice, except the Panda looks like a kung-fu guy with a furry Panda head...


Blacklight Retribution – Extended PAX Trailer

Ooooooh MECH’S!!! I always love me some mech’s. The original Blacklight: Tango Down had a decent concept but didn’t seem to gain to much traction. I hope This latest Blacklight: Retribution resolves the issues...