Tagged: Trailer


Lollipop Chainsaw – Announcement Trailer

Lollipop’s and Chainsaws, what could you add to make them better, Zombies of course! Thankfully we do get some gameplay in this trailer, it’s not all just CG. I wonder if the rainbow kills...


DotA 2 Gamescom Trailer

ValVe drops the latest Defense of the Ancients DotA Trailer they brought to gamescom on us. It’s all CG, so don’t expect any gameplay here but, it looks nice! There’s also going to be...


Batman: Arkham City Mr. Freeze Trailer

Batman: Arkham City make Mr. Freeze colder, if that’s possible. He’s got a Big Daddy from Alaska motif going on, which I kinda dig. The next question is what tricks will we have up...


Renegade Ops: Upgrades Trailer

Renegade Ops is a game I’m very excited about, 4 player vehicular madness that reminds me of Jackyl from my NES days, SIGN ME UP! This is a game that understands what it is...